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Follow Canada’s lead: sanction settler organizations and building companies

Sign this petition to call on countries around the world to follow Canada’s lead and sanction settlers and settler organizations that are harming Palestinians!

Canada recently announced sanctions against seven Israeli individuals and five organizations for their actions against Palestinian civilians and their property in the West Bank. We are calling on the US, the UK, and all countries to take their lead: increase sanctions on people, organizations, and companies actively working to harm Palestinians and destabilize the West Bank!

Just this past week there has been a massive uptick in settler violence - with settlers cutting off the water supply and setting fire to parts of Umm al-Kheir in Massafer Yatta. Palestinians are living under constant fear and threats - this cannot be left unchecked!

The organizations listed in Canada’s announcement:

Amana Association: lobbies for and develops Israeli settlements and outposts in the West Bank

Lehava: opposes intermarriage and assimilation of Jews and Arabs, stifles public activities by non-Jews

The Hilltop Youth: young Israelis who build illegal outposts in the West Bank

Moshe’s Farm: an illegal outpost established in 2021.

The individuals listed in Canada’s announcement:

Bentzi Gopstein, Daniella Weiss, Shalom Shalom Zicherman, Meir Mordechai Ettinger, Ely Federman, Elisha Yered, and Einan Ben-Nir Amram Tanjil.

It is not enough to protest the Israeli government - individuals, organizations, and building companies must be held accountable too.


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